We protect them with industry leading safety procedures


Lonestar Energy Fabrication is committed to exceptional performance in protecting the health, safety and environment for our employees, our customers and members of our communities.
Our people are our most valued assets
We recognize Safety and Environmental Responsibility as key indicators of organizational excellence.
All injuries and incidents are preventable
We empower our people to participate in injury prevention by our stop work authority program.

We believe that all injuries are preventable. We have invested in and developed the Lonestar Energy Fabrication Safety Management System, centered around our core values and beliefs. We use this system to effectively communicate both internally and externally, making our approach to safety efficient and transparent.

Safety Vision

Our Safety Vision is a practicing philosophy based on our core beliefs and values

•API – Q1 (9th edition)
•API – 4F
•ISO – 9001 (5th edition)
•ASME Certified Code Stamp "U"
•ASME Certified Code Stamp "S"
•National Board Certified Code Stamp "R"

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